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Find expert analysis if you should use web links in a grant application. Lead reviewers through a curated experience, highlighting essential documents, success stories, and data-driven insights. Demonstrate your awareness of the pivotal role web links play in bolstering the persuasiveness of grant proposals. Elevate your chances of success by showcasing a thoughtful and well-informed approach to incorporating web links in your grant application.

Should You Include Web Links in a Grant Application? An Expert Analysis

With technology playing an increasingly pivotal role in our lives, it’s natural to wonder whether including web links in a grant application can enhance your chances of success. While digital resources can provide additional depth and clarity to your proposal, you should consider the potential pros and cons before adding those links.

Pros for Adding Web Links to a Grant Application

Enhanced Accessibility and Supplementary Information

One of the primary advantages of including web links in a grant application is the ability to provide easy access to additional information. Web links can direct funders to relevant web pages, project websites, or online resources that offer comprehensive details, multimedia content, impact stories, testimonials, or videos demonstrating the effectiveness of your work. This enables funders to gain a more holistic understanding of your organization’s programs and achievements.

Even if funders choose not to access the additional resources, simply showing that they exist sends a message that you have more to offer than you were able to provide in the proposal narrative.

Demonstrating Technological Readiness

By including well-curated web links in a grant application, you can demonstrate that your organization is technologically savvy and adaptable. In the increasingly digital landscape, showcasing your capacity to utilize online platforms effectively may establish confidence in your ability to manage and implement technological advancements within the scope of grant-funded projects.

Reinforcing Transparency and Accountability

Web links in a grant application can serve as a platform for showcasing your organization’s transparency and accountability. By linking to financial reports, audited statements, or annual reports, you can provide funders with transparent insights into your organization’s financial management and governance strategies. Additionally, linking to evaluation reports or external assessments can highlight your commitment to evidence-based practices and continuous improvement.

Of course, if a funder has asked you to attach these items, rather than provide links to them, you should do that.  Always follow the funder’s instructions.

Cons to Adding Web Links to a Grant Application

Do Use Links to Replace Information Required in the Narrative

Everything you need to say in response to the narrative requirements should be included in the narrative. You need to assume that the reader will not click on your links. Any links you provide should point to supplemental information only.

Consideration for Personal Data Protection

When including web links in a grant application, it is essential to be mindful of privacy and data protection. Funders may be wary of clicking on links that lead to external websites that collect personal information or lack proper security protocols. Ensure that any linked websites are reputable and comply with data protection regulations to establish trust and maintain the integrity of your grant application.

Provide Active and Validated Web Links

When including web links, ensure they are active, functional, and lead to the intended content. Broken or outdated links can detract from the professionalism of your application and may raise questions about your attention to detail. Regularly review and validate any web links included in your proposal to maintain a seamless user experience for the grant reviewers.

Do Not Provide Links If the Funder Has Explicitly Requested They Not be Included

This seems obvious, but some people need to be reminded. Following the funder’s instructions trumps all other considerations.


Including web links in a grant application can be a valuable strategy to provide funders with enhanced accessibility, supplementary information, and a demonstration of your technological readiness. However, it is essential to exercise caution, striking a balance between concise information within the application and the inclusion of web links. Prioritize privacy and data protection, and regularly review and validate any included web links to ensure an optimal user experience. By understanding the potential benefits and considering the associated considerations, you can make an informed decision on whether to include web links in your grant applications.

Contact us for more help on this topic!

About the Author
Veronica Robbins, aka The Grant Goddess, has been writing grants professionally for over 25 years, helping nonprofit organizations, schools, businesses, and government agencies earn hundreds of millions of dollars in funding.